Reliability of birth memories: Evidence from mother and child pairs in hypnosis (1980). Paper presented to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Minneapolis (Nov). First published as an Invited Paper in Journal of the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts, 1(2), 89-98, 1986. Also in Selected Works of David Chamberlain: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2) 19-29, 1999. (14 pp.) | $9.95 |
Birth recall in hypnosis: Experimental and clinical evidence (1981). Paper presented to the Association of Birth Psychology, 2nd Annual Meeting New York City (March 8, 1981). Birth Psychology Bulletin, 2 (Summer), 14-18, 1981. (11 pp.) | $9.95 |
Consciousness at birth: A Review of the empirical evidence (1983/2002). Monograph, 200 citations, Chamberlain Communications, 10745 Red Dog Road, Nevada City, CA 95959. Back in print. (69 pp.) | $15.00 |
Consciousness at birth: The range of empirical evidence (1983). Paper presented to the First International Congress on Pre & Perinatal Psychology, Toronto, Canada (July). In Thomas Verny (Ed.) (1987), Pre and perinatal psychology: An introduction (pp. 69-90). New York: Human Sciences Press. (21 pp.) | $9.95 |
The mind of the newborn: Increasing evidence of competence (1986). Paper presented to the 8th Congress of the International Society of Prenatal Psychology, Badgastein, Austria (Sept. 1986). In Peter Fedor-Freybergh & M. L. Vanessa Vogel (Eds.) (1988), Prenatal and perinatal psychology and medicine: Encounter with the unborn (pp. 4-22). Lancaster, England: Parthenon; German edition, Munich: Saphir-Verlag (1987). (79 citations, 15 pp.) | $9.95 |
The cognitive newborn: A scientific update (1987). British Journal of Psychotherapy, 4(1), 30-71; (Autumn). (250 citations, 41 pp.) | $15.00 |
The significance of birth memories (1988). Paper presented to the 3rd International Congress on Pre- & Perinatal Psychology, San Francisco (July 1987). Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal, 2(4) 136-154, Summer 1988. Also in Selected Works: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 65-83, 1999. (18 pp.) | $9.95 |
Babies remember their births (Nov/Dec 1988). New Age Journal, pp. 55 and following. Also in Selected Works: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 5-18. (8 pp.) | $9.95 |
Babies remember pain (1989). Pre and Perinatal Psychology Journal, 3(4), 297-310. Rev. May 2000 | $9.95 |
Foundations of sex, love, and relationships: From conception to birth (1989). Paper presented to Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Western Region, Marina Del Rey, CA (March). International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Studies, 1(3), 257-274 (Sept). Also in Selected Works: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 45-64, 1999 (17 pp. 68 citations) | $9.95 |
The expanding boundaries of memory (1989/90). Paper presented to the Fourth International Congress on Pre- & Perinatal Psychology, Amherst, Mass. (August, 1989); Pre- & Perinatal Psychology Journal, 4(3), 171-189 Spring, 1990; Re-Vision, 12(4), 11-20, (Spring, 1990); New title, The Outer Limits of Memory, in Noetic Sciences Review, No. 16, Autumn, 4-13, 1990. (9 pp., 70 citations) | $9.95 |
The psychology of the fetus (1995). Chapter in S. Lebovici, R. Diatkine, & M. Soule (Eds.), Traite de psychiatrie de lenfant et de ladolescent (2nd ed., 4 vols), Vol. 1 (pp. 263-279). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. (English version, 19 pp., 120 citations) | $9.95 |
Babies don’t feel pain: A century of denial in medicine (1991/1998). Paper presented to 2nd International Symposium on Circumcision, San Francisco, May 1991. In Robbie Davis-Floyd & James Dumit (Eds.) (1998), Cyborg babies: From techno-sex to techno tots. (pp. 168-189). New York and London: Routledge. Also in Selected Works: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 145-168, 1999. (21 pages, 117 citations) | $9.95 |
Is there intelligence before birth? [Utilizing new definitions of intelligence by Gardner and by Sternberg] (1991/1992). Paper presented to the Fifth International Congress on Pre- and Perinatal Psychology, Atlanta (July). Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal, 6(3), 217-237, Spring, 1992. (20 pp., 110 citations) | $9.95 |
Babies are not what we thought: Call for a new paradigm (1992). Paper presented to World Congress of ISPPM, Cracow, Poland (May). Int. J. of Prenatal and Perinatal Studies, 4 (3/4), (Autumn), 161-177. In Selected Works: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 127-144, 1999. Reprinted in Russian, Journal of Practice Psychologists, 2002 (1), 98-119. (16 pp., 166 citations) | $15.00 |
Intelligence before birth: Ethical implications for birth professionals. Previously unpublished. | $9.95 |
The sentient prenate: What every parent should know (1994). Pre- & Perinatal Psychology Journal, 9(1) (Fall), 9-31. (23 pp., 63 citations) | $9.95 |
How pre- and perinatal psychology can transform the world (1994). Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal 8(3), 187-199 (Spring). Also printed in Int. J. Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine 5(4) (1993), 413-424. Also reprinted in Italian in ANPEP News, Jan. 2003. (12 pp., 63 citations) | $9.95 |
Prenatal body language: A new perspective on ourselves (1999). Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 169-185. Reprinted in International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, 12(4), Dec. 2000, 541-555 | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
Babies are conscious (1996/2003). Paper in Jane English (Ed.), Cesarean voices. In Althea Hayton (Ed.) (2007), Untwinned: Perspectives on the death of a twin before birth (chapter 12, 122-137) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
Obstetrics and the prenatal psyche (1999). Chamberlain & Suzanne Arms. J. of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 97-118. (21 pp. 123 citations) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
What babies are teaching us about violence (1995). Pre- and Perinatal Psychology Journal 10(2), 57-74. (17 pp., 73 citations) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
Life in the womb: Dangers and opportunities (1996). Paper presented to the International Congress Apprendizaje y Comunicacion Pre- and Postnatal, Valencia, Spain. Also in Selected Works: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 31-43, 1999. (12 pp., 39 citations) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
Transpersonal adventures in prenatal and perinatal hypnotherapy (1998/2000). In: Eric Lescowitz (Ed.), Transpersonal Hypnosis (pp. 121-130). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (2000). Also in Selected Works of David Chamberlain: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 14(1 and 2), 85-95, 1999. (10 pp.) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
Early and very early parenting: New territories (1997). Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 12(2), 51-59. Also published in Italian in Il Giornale Italiano di Psicologia E Di Educazione Prenatal, 2(2), 31-38, January, 2002. (9 pp.) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
The prenatal psyche: Evidence for a new perspective (1998/2005). Paper first presented to the 3rd Int. Congress of OMAEP in Rome, March 1998. Later published in Italian and Russian. Also published as a Guest Editorial in the International J. of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, 17(1 and 2), 17-22 (2005). (6 pp.) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
Prenatal receptivity and intelligence (1998). Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 12(3 and 4) (Spring and Summer), 95-117. (22 pp., 104 citations) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
Communicating with the mind of a prenate: Guidelines for parents and birth professionals (2003). Presented to 2nd International Congress on Home Delivery and Childbirth, Manresa, Spain, Oct. 17, 2003. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 18(2), Winter, 95-108. (13 pages, 26 recommended readings) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |
The delusional psychologies of circumcision and civilization (2009). Address to 9th Int. Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity, and Human Rights, Seattle, WA (August 2006). In: Denniston, G., Hodges, F., & Milos, M. (Eds.), Circumcision and human rights. Philadelphia: Springer. (14 pp.) | $9.95 Contact to purchase |